The Centre for Workforce Intelligence has recognised psychological therapies as effective treatments for a wide range of mental health needs and welcomes the publication of the review of the psychological therapy workforce.
The CfWI was formed following a review of the future of the NHS workforce. Its review recommended that the required standard for a psychological therapist is:
1. To have completed one year of recognised full-time (or equivalent part-time) psychotherapy or counselling training leading to a qualification, certification or accreditation recognised by a relevant professional or regulatory body.
2. To have achieved a competency level that fulfils the requirements of the regulatory, accrediting or professional body.
3. To be a member of a relevant professional or regulatory body, and continue to fulfil any accreditation or membership criteria, including meeting requirements for:
• continuing professional and personal development
• regular supervision
• codes of practice.
4. To have gained the supervised therapy experience required by the regulatory or professional body.
While BPC registrants are trained to a considerably higher level than this baseline, it is a welcome standard that will help ensure patients receive care from properly trained and accredited therapists.
The full CfWI document can be found here.