Where can you be treated by a psychoanalytic psychotherapist?
In some areas psychoanalytic or psychodynamic psychotherapy is available within the NHS. There may be a waiting period of six months or more before it can be offered and it may be available for only a limited period of time - general practitioners should be able to advise about this.
Outside the NHS there are psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapists for adults, children and adolescents, and couples in many areas of the country. The BPC Register lists the names and geographical locations of psychoanalysts, analytical psychologists, psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapists, couple or group psychotherapists, and child psychotherapists, each of whose training is recognised by the BPC. In addition, nearly all the Member Institutions of the BPC offer consultation, assessment and referral services for people seeking to begin psychoanalytic or psychodynamic psychotherapy, through their respective clinical services, and will try to place people for whom such therapy is deemed suitable with an appropriately qualified practitioner (see Finding a Therapist).
Our referral services
1: Referral Services for Adults
2: Reduced Fee Schemes for Adults
3: Reduced Fee Schemes for Children & Adolescents
4. Referral Services for Children
5. Referral Services for Couples