- See the list of accredited DIT practitioners here
- See the list of approved DIT supervisors here
The practitioners on this list have qualified from an accredited Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) course, and are therefore designated as BPC-accredited DIT practitioners.
In addition to their qualification in DIT, all practitioners meet the following criteria:
1. They have undertaken a course of study that includes knowledge about psychoanalytic developmental theory and the theory underpinning the rationale for psychodynamic interventions.
2. They will have undertaken a minimum of one year of personal psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapy or counselling.
3. They will have undertaken a minimum of 150 hours of supervised psychodynamic practice.
4. They will be HPC, BACP, BPC or UKCP registered.
Practitioners with (BPC) after their names are registrants of the Psychoanalytic Council. Contact details can be found by using our search form here.
Those who are not registrants are not covered by the BPC's Ethical Code or Complaints Procedure. Those listed as HPC, BACP or UKCP members are each subject to their own organisation's code of ethics.
Information for potential trainees and training providers
Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is a simple, short-term (16 sessions), semi-structured individual therapy protocol for mood disorder, and is easy to acquire.
DIT is the brief psychodynamic therapy model now offered at Step 3 within the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for depression state that brief psychodynamic therapy is one option that can be considered for depressed patients either when the patient has not responded to CBT interventions, or where the patient actively opts for a psychodynamic approach.
It is one of five therapies for depression recommended by the Department of Health (DH) in its guide to psychological therapies for depression, entitled WHICH talking therapy for depression. You can access the guide online by clicking here.
The five therapies for depression which are regarded as in line with NICE guidelines are:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)
- Brief Dynamic interpersonal Therapy (DIT)
- Couple therapy for Depression
- Counselling for Depression.
DIT was developed out of the Psychoanalytic/dynamic Competences Framework (Lemma et al) that provided the basis for Skills for Health’s National Occupational Standards. It is drawn from those psychoanalytic/dynamic approaches with the strongest empirical evidence for efficacy based on the outcome of controlled trials. It is specifically designed to address presenting symptoms of depression and anxiety.
The BPC is the national accreditation body recognised by DH and IAPT for this treatment protocol.
So far, the BPC has accredited two national training providers: the Anna Freud Centre and the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust jointly, and WPF Therapy.
For potential trainees
For more information on future DIT training courses, go to the national DIT website.
Trainees who qualify from an accredited DIT course can describe themselves as ‘BPC-accredited DIT practitioners’ and will receive a certificate for a fee of £35. The BPC will maintain a roster of accredited practitioners and contact details on the BPC website.
For potential training providers
For training and curriculum information relating to all four non-CBT modalities endorsed by the IAPT programme, including DIT, go to:
silo/files/curriculum-and-commissioning-outline-march-update-v0-6-final (download)
If you are interested in becoming a BPC-accredited national training provider for DIT.
BPC-DIT appeals procedure
The BPC operates an Appeals Procedure for those trainees who have been failed by their training provider or who consider they have been treated unfairly, unreasonably or prejudicially in any other way by the training provider.
- Roster of accredited DIT practitioners
- Official DIT webpage
- IAPT DIT website
- DIT competences framework (UCL)